Thursday, November 25, 2010


Align CenterWon’t you hold me within the wing of prayer
that the comfort of love wll find me there
and strengthen my heart while it you enfold
with the warm embrace of your feathered soul.

For there I am found safe against your breast
encouraged thus, my dreams are possessed
so nurtured by hope and visions of height
you grantsed me wings of which to take flight.

With newfound poise I stand before my fate
wings heartened with your faith I elevate
when I step from the refuge of your bough
that I soar higher than I thought I knew how.

Embolden by love I climb higher and higher
up toward heaven, that of which I aspire
with your love given, I am well recieved
for the love that you gave, made me comlete.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tender hooks

Tender are the hooks of what might have been
thus with fond despair I do regale in them
Splendor of sadness and lighthearted regret
are the sustenance of hearts thus beset
Might the trappings of hope been false with allure
I grieve them with grace that I may endure
Thus I pray fair the imminence of death
shall spare you the pain of my dying breath
and think of me, as I thought of you when
Tender were the hooks which might have been.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010


hen it is I sit in darkness

I see a thousand lights shining in the distance
And yet I know they are not of heaven
But all the things I have left

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2010