Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Power of Estrangement

Such is the personification of my solitude
Whereupon my joy is restored by the winds of laughter
Just as my companionship is assured by the starry pillows of night
Even so, I am still subject to the implacable deceit of hope
that such was my heart seduced beyond the realm of its conviction.
May these matters now be matters of most, matter not
yet I never knew the meaning of loneliness
Until there was you

© Charles Coakley Simpson 201

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La petite mort

As her skin tastes like wine
having pressed the fruits of her passion.
brushing lips softly along the flute of her throat,
caressing the small of her back tenderly
so as to feel her breasts ripening beneath my weight.
She yields to the firmness of my resolve,
and gathering me into the garden of her lilies
embraces my eminence with

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Come despair, my old friend
and wrap me within your arms again.
Encompass this sorrow of which I am beset
with gentle console of hopeless regret.
Might it have been better to jump than to fall
or is better to have loved and lost
than never to have lost at all.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2010