Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The last temptation

The last temptation

Forgiveness is a lonely heart –
Who lies awake at night looking up at the stars
thinking of all the things he didn’t say.
Whereas mercy is the lure of a long cold sleep
filled with endless skies
- Of darkness.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


s is the beauty –

In all my life’s smaller moments
thus sincerity is found within their simplicity
as the only dimension of matter
- Is of her heart.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009


s your hands are clean –

Shamelessly washed blameless of deceit
in the warmth and blood
- Of my heart.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The intimidation of loneliness

So it is to lie awake within an open grave –
Here I learn to die alone as I explore the enlightenment of darkness.
Thus as I soar up to the Godshead I find myself embraced.
Not by regret or loss nor the one who thought to thieve my heart
for even now its drum pounds fervently beneath my breast.
But by the gentle song of thewind and the lonesome cry of a night owl.
Thus resigning to my sentence in solitude
as they too seek compassion in
- The dark.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shades of gray

hen so is the twilight –

Between black and white, life and death,
one’s adore and one’s animosity.
Where a man must be certain of every hue
before he lives for love
- Again.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009


hen so you are free –

Thus redeemed by the infatuation of one
even as you sold out the trust
- Of another.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009


As love loves me not –
That you did choose to love another,
with such erroneous reverence for my kindliness
that you thought you would not break
what you had already
- Broken.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Painting the rose red

What is a bloom yet plucked –
But a blossom in waiting, petals pursed pink
swollen with anticipation, undulating with expectation.
Unfurling delicately ‘neath my lips gentle brush.
It’s modesty thus flushed by the adoration of wakening.
that petals plume with their sensual perfume
as I am embraced by hues of
- Intimacy.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Confessions of a knife

How deep goes the blade –
As it slides into the heart of vulnerability,
its edge twisting slowly that the wound will never heal
until severed are all the ties that did bind.
What then is my remorse, except that I have destroyed
- The very thing I still love.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Thus is my ascension –
Found in the hold of your arms’ intimacy
A buoyancy of sublime sanctity where I am lost within
an insubstantial sensuality of the without
that you did catch my
- Fall.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

A perfect rose

rows in a field of gold -

Her hair swept warmly by the prairie’s wind
as like the waves of grain glistening silently around her.
Yet can it no more hide the storm in her eyes
than I the brewing of love’s tempest
- Which stirs in my heart.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The empowerment of tragedy

As despair has given me wings –
Thus I did soar unto heights beyond darkening
where an angel fair did hear me sing
as my laments of loneliness were harkening.
There she embraced me with her empathy tendered
yet entangled fell into blackened sun
where both hearts were broken and splintered
better was it two than the spirit of
- One.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Paradise lost

Heaven -
Is a long summer’s night,
the air sweet with the greening of grass
and the sky is clear, dark and deep with wavering stars.
The barn owl calls out to his distant lover
as I wait for the echo of her
- Reply.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


She once did say she was lonely –
Then so she does spend her time brooding virtually
rather than sharing the reality of her moment
- Spending her loneliness with me.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009


Lost is the comfort of life -
Can I no more find sleep than to dream.
As the ache in my heart has cost me reason to breathe
that I have failed as much to remember
- To forget you.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Thus I have fallen -
From your grace, out of glory, into darkness.
If only I had been all that you wanted
- All the time.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Same differences

he adversity of similarity -

Is to want to be loved so dearly we push it away
yet we fear the loss of love so badly
that we cannot ever begin to allow ourselves to be loved.
Thus would you love me at all
even if I promise never to say “I love you.” - Ever again.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009


Breathe into me –
With what is the life of your love
for I am drowned with the desire to hold you.
Rescue me from my longing’s depths
and kiss me as deeply with your loving breaths
may that I follow the light
- To you.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009


The sound of loneliness –
That even the beat of my heart is subdued.
Could that I only lay my head gently upon your breast
and listen to the sound of your own longing
as neither will ever be as golden
uuless shared with
- You.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


What for are love’s boundaries –
If not there but to exceed the limits of our own adore.
Thus venturing beyond the borders of intimacy
even that we might risk the very essence of our hearts.
Yet how are we to know the fringes of passion
if we never take the chance to be - Loved.

© Charles Coakley Simpson 2009